Top Ten things children say
about their family break-up

  1. I felt very sad and worried
  2. I didn’t want my parents to split up
  3. I loved both my parents
  4. I didn’t know what was going to happen to me
  5. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with each of my parents
  6. I didn’t really understand what was happening and wanted to know more
  7. I shouldn’t have been asked to choose between my parents
  8. I didn’t like one parent saying bad things about the other
  9. Everyone in my family court case had an agenda and kept on until I said what they wanted
  10. I wanted to spend more time with my father/grandparents/others I loved

For Kids Sake is collecting and collating data on what children say
about their family break-up. Please share with us any further
international research or surveys, especially from peer-reviewed
or scientific publications. Or share your story with us, if you
experienced a family break-up as a child.

What children say about family courts