“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children”
Nelson Mandela

Raising Public Awareness

To raise public awareness of the nature, extent and life-long impacts of family separation on children and their families through the production and dissemination of media across all platforms – online, TV, cinema, print media etc. – and through the international promotion of the Family Separation Awareness Week.

Increasing Professional Understanding

To substantially increase professional understanding of the extreme and specific risks to children associated with family separation; to ensure greater professional training, regulation and accountability; and to encourage legal and psychological research in the interests of children’s and families’ welfare.

Helping Children & Families

To provide information and support to parents and children involved in family separation and to direct them to the best avenues that will minimize the harm of family separation.

Conducting, Collating & Disseminating Research

To encourage and participate in the development of authoritative legal, psychological and social research and to create a repository of knowledge and evidence upon which sound policy can be based.

Identifying & Promoting Family Court Alternatives & Reforms

To identify and promote the development and use of systems and procedures, as alternatives to the Family Court, that genuinely assist families and protect children through the process of separation and beyond; to reform the existing courts and to contribute to changes in the laws that affect separating families.

Developing & Promoting Better policy

To develop evidence-based policy that will result in better protection of children and parents than current systems and processes.

Working With Politicians

To address these issues at a political level and to foster the political will to make changes necessary to protect children at a most vulnerable time in their lives.

Forging A Greater Alliance

To forge a greater alliance between organisations working nationally and internationally to the same ends.

Encouraging Participation

To encourage the participation and engagement of many Australians in the process of reforming how our society thinks about, and deals with, family separation.

What Kids Need

Ask children what they want and the answer’s clear: over 90% want their parents to stay together, and about 90% say that, after separation, they want to see lots or...

Better Separation

Adversarial family separations cause harm to children, especially when family courts become involved. Don’t make a lawyer your first port of call, or be overly influenced by the bad experiences...

Expert Knowledge

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Working with children in separating families is not child’s play. It requires specialised knowledge and considerable experience - and unqualified professionals can add...